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I'm Nikita Rana

Nikita Rana captivating the audience as a leading female anchor at a live event in Mumbai
Nikita Rana in action, showcasing her sponsorship expertise at a corporate event

Mumbai's leading female TV Anchor, Corporate Emcee & Sponsorship Head

Awarded BW BusinessWorld India's most popular Emcee 2024

I’m Nikita Rana: Founder & CEO of Nikita Rana Group and Apex Alliance


BW Businessworld India's most popular Emcee 2024


Trusted by:
Zee Business, Republic Media, Jio, Google, Amazon, ET, GOI, Kotak, Dell, Birla, Cisco, Gucci

Signature services:
1. Anchoring:
I have anchored 500+ shows globally powered by Nikita Rana Group's ace marketing & script team, my expertise is audience engagement


2. Corporate sponsorships:
Apex Alliance excels in securing event sponsorships and provides brands high-impact marketing opportunities via our extensive media & expo network

Planning your next event?
Partner with us to anchor your success! 

Trusted by

Nikita Rana leading a corporate workshop, imparting valuable skills with an engaging teaching style
Nikita Rana engaging with the audience, highlighting her exceptional skills in audience interaction
Nikita Rana delivering a dynamic presentation, captivating attendees with her vibrant energy
Nikita Rana hosting a virtual event, seamlessly connecting with online attendees through the screen
Nikita Rana on stage at an award ceremony, celebrating the achievements of honorees with genuine admiration
Nikita Rana leading an interactive session, engaging the audience in participatory activities
Nikita Rana anchoring an outdoor adventure event, blending excitement with the beauty of nature
Nikita Rana emceeing a fashion show, introducing designers and models with flair and sophistication
Nikita Rana expertly moderating a panel discussion, facilitating insightful dialogues among industry leaders
Nikita Rana facilitating networking at a business event, connecting professionals from various industries
Nikita Rana fielding questions from the audience, fostering an environment of open communication
ikita Rana conducting a charity auction, using her persuasive skills to raise funds for a noble cause
Nikita Rana hosting a gala night, dressed elegantly, with a microphone in hand, lighting up the stage with her charisma
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